片段 are pre-configured pieces of content. 片段 are used to help ensure standard formatting, layout and design of page items. When using a snippet, you can edit the 内容(我.e. the text, files, or images), but the style, layout, and format of the content will stay consistent.

What 片段 Look Like

You may be wondering if you have any 片段 on your page. Use the examples below to know what to look for. 

You will see 片段 in two different ways. There is the live view of the snippet, which is the way the snippet looks on the live site. 回顾我们的 Types of 片段 to see a full list of all 片段 and how they look on the live site. 

Secondly, there is the Snippet Edit Table, which is the way the snippet looks inside the 所见即所得编辑器. If you have 片段 on your pages, you will use the Snippet Edit Table when you want to edit the content inside of them.

Panel Snippet - Live View


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Panel Snippet - Edit View

Edit view of a panel snippet

Help With 片段

Many (if not most) of the pages on the PCC Website use 片段. As a content contributor, you may need to edit the content that is inside the 片段 on your page(s). 下面 are the resources we have to help you with managing the content in your 片段. 

  1. 回顾我们的 Editing Snippet Content Guidelines for overall editing steps and best practices when it comes to changing content inside 片段
  2. 使用我们的 Types of 片段 list to get additional information specific to each snippet type.

You do not have the ability to insert new 片段. If you need to insert a new snippet, 使用我们的 Web帮助表单 to request assistance.