Become a Perioperative Nurse

围手术期护理课程(NURS 219)是一门帮助学生做好准备的课程 for employment as a Perioperative Nurse. This course provides entry-level knowledge 以及作为围手术期护士所需要的技能. Course includes 介绍围手术期护理,包括手术的各个阶段,手术无菌, 手术患者安全,手术基础,手术麻醉. After 完成本课程后,学生将为将来从事职业做更充分的准备 an entry-level perioperative nurse.

  • Course Length:
    1 semester (4 units)
    Lecture hours total = 36
    Laboratory hours total = 108
    Pass/No Pass grading
  • Course Completion:
    • Occupational Skills Certificate

What is a Perioperative Nurse?

围手术期护士(也可称为手术室护士或外科护士) is a Registered Nurse who works in the operating room. A perioperative nurse takes care of the patient before, during and after surgery. A perioperative nurse works with surgeons, anesthesiologists, other nurses, and technicians.  Typical duties and responsibilities are:

  • Ensuring Patient Surgical Readiness
  • Maintaining Sterilization in the perioperative environment
  • Effective Communication
  • 在术前和术后协调护理以优化患者预后 care
  • Passing instruments and supplies to the surgeon during surgery
  • Ensuring Patient Safety in the perioperative environment
  • Assists with equipment and supplies used in the surgical environment

Characteristics of a Perioperative Nurse

  • Self-reliant
  • Collaborative
  • Effective communicator
  • Patient advocate
  • High energy and physical stamina
  • Compassion and empathy
  • Embrace technology
  • Excellent assessment skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Adapts to stressful situations

Application Process

围手术期护理课程的网上报名将于 the application cycle. It is important to read through all of the information prior to applying.

Application Dates:

  • 3月1日至4月30日:在此申请周期内申请的申请人将开始申请 the course in the Summer intersession, if selected.

Example of Lecture and Clinical Schedule

Summer 2024 Lecture Schedule:

  • Fridays 8:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. June 28 - August 16

Summer 2024 Clinical Schedule:

  • 13.5 hours per week by arrangement with the Instructor

Lecture and Clinical schedules will be posted when available.

Apply here

Enrollment Limitations:

准学生必须有完成护理课程的证据 先进的内外科护理和先进的内外科实验室提供 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏注册护理课程或成功完成副学士学位 大专以上护理专业或持有有效的加州护理执照.

Follow the steps below to be eligible for the course:

Step #1:

  • Apply and be admitted to Pasadena City College. Upon admission to the college, you 会被分配一个PCC学生证号码和一个PCC学生电子邮件帐户吗. You will need these to complete the Perioperative Nursing application.
  • 通过PCC网站在线提交围手术期护理申请. A complete 申请表包括申请表上填写的所有信息和成绩单 官方文件是否已扫描并保存为PDF文件.
  • 一份由美国认可的大学出具的成绩单 完成高级内外科理论课程和高级内外科课程 lab/clinical course is required. The official transcripts must be opened, scanned 并保存为PDF文件,并与您的围手术期护理应用程序一起上传. Label the transcripts "Nursing School Transcripts". Keep the opened transcripts for your personal records.
  • 如果有执照,你需要提交你的加州注册护士执照的复印件 saved as a PDF file labeled "RN License". Must show expiration date and status must be "active". Expired RN licenses will not be accepted.


  • 打开你将要上传的密封的官方护理学校成绩单 your Perioperative Nurse application
  • 使用打印机或扫描仪等设备扫描正式成绩单
  • 按照扫描仪制造商的说明将每个文档扫描到您的计算机 or USB drive
  • Select the PDF file format option before scanning. Only PDF files of your transcripts and other supporting documents will be accepted. Formats such as JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, screenshot, word documents, etc. will not be accepted for the application process.
  • 将PDF文档保存到计算机或移动驱动器上的某个文件夹中 您可以轻松访问(建议使用桌面或文档文件夹)

NOTE没有个人扫描仪的学生可以选择使用商业扫描仪 复印中心将他们需要的文件扫描并制作成pdf文件,然后 may be uploaded as part of your application.


  • 当应用程序提示上传您的文件时,标记为“Drop Files here” or Select Files" click on this button
  • 从计算机或闪存驱动器中找到要上传的PDF文件
  • Select the file by double clicking on it (tap twice)
  • Your file will be uploaded

Step #2: 

申请人将以先到先得的方式获得有条件的座位 在课程中,将通过电子邮件联系并返回(作为完整的包)文件 listed below. These items must be scanned and saved as PDF files. Formats such as JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, screenshot, word documents, etc. will not be accepted.  An email address will be provided to send the packet of completed documents.

  • American Heart Association CPR/Basic Life Support card verification. Must show an expiration date. Label the PDF file "CPR". Other types of CPR will not be accepted (example: Red Cross).
  • Proof of a Completed Background check.
  • 填妥的健康科学围手术期健康要求表复印件. Make sure you have signed and dated the form. Label the PDF file "Health Requirements".

Keep copies of all your documents for your own personal records. The Health Sciences Division cannot make copies for you.

Health Requirements Overview


  • Titers for Rubella, Rubeola, Mumps, Varicella.  For measles, mumps, rubella and varicella, 定量保护效价必须在每次接种的第一天起的12个月内提供 year of training unless otherwise specified.  If titers are non-protective, a booster vaccine and a follow-up titer will be required.  This requirement may exceed the CDC guidelines for Healthcare Personnel (HCP) workers.
  • 16 Drug abuse panel urine screening.
  • MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)、破伤风/白喉、水痘免疫接种日期 (水痘)、乙型肝炎、破伤风/白喉/百日咳、流感、Covid - 19.
  • TB (tuberculosis) screening is required.  Nursing clinical sites will only accept IGRA考试,在每个培训年度的第一天起12个月内完成,除非 otherwise specified.
  • 在入读课程前6个月内完成体格检查.  必须具备入门级职位的基本体能要求 包括:弯腰,举23-35磅,拉,站,走,练习 适当的身体力学,推被占用的床,轮椅或轮床,洗澡,转身 and ambulating patients, manipulating small equipment.
  • Have good physical and mental health.

健康要求表将发给被选中的合格申请人 a conditional seat in the course.

健康要求可能需要3-5周的时间来完成,并进行几次办公室访问 required.  PCC学生健康服务办公室提供廉价的医疗服务 for enrolled students. 

Selection Process

完成第一步的申请人将获得有条件的课程席位,直到 the course is full. Applicants who are selected will be sent an email with the necessary forms and documents that must be completed by a deadline date.  Candidates who complete 在截止日期前提交所需文件将被允许注册 course. 未能完成所需的文件意味着您将无法 to register for the course.

所有申请者将在开课前收到通知 email.  此外,未被选中的申请人将在班级满时收到通知.

Course Completion

成功完成围手术期护理课程的学生将获得奖励 an Occupational Skills Certificate. Students will be ready to apply for positions as an entry level perioperative nurse.

 Estimated Cost of the Program

Prices subject to change:


Administrative Fee for services - $23.00
Lab fee - $4.00 per visit
Hepatitis B vaccine - $50.00
Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine - $93.00
Tdap - $50.00
Varicella vaccine - $163.00Influenza (flu) vaccine - free
Physical exam - $25.00 (payment required in advance)
Drug Abuse 16 panel Urine Screening - $42.00 plus $9.00 Confirmatory Test (if a test is positive)
Tuberculosis skin test - $15.00 per test
Quantiferon blood test - $52.00
Consultations - free

Uniform (per set) 2 sets are recommended - $120.00

Shoes - $150.00
Name Badge - $8.00 per badge
PCC Uniform Patch - $5.00 per patch

Stethoscope & pen light - $100.00
Watch with second hand - $50.00
Textbook - $200.00

Background check - $35.00
Parking (per semester includes campus and clinical sites) - $100
Tuition (per unit for CA resident) $46/credit 
CPR Card – American Heart Association only - $65.00